Friday, August 10, 2012


Seems like all the UAA Ski Teamers are on vacation lately.  Davis flew to Europe recently, where he apparently got on a train and went somewhere with Lutz:

Here's Davis eating echte Deutsche Kuche with Lucky:

And Laura must be down from the Karwendel in Bayern because here she is visiting with Davis and Lutz in front of her house in Neukirch in Schwarzwald.
Last I heard, Davis was heading south on a road trip to Sud-Tirol.  Nobody's heard from him since.  When he comes back over the Brennerpass, he's probably not going to be the same Black Knight we knew before...

Meanwhile, Lasse's parents came over from Copenhagen to spend three weeks getting Lasse's guided tour of Alaska and Yukon Territory.  His parents kicked him out of the car with his rollerskis about 30 or 40 km from each town they stopped at for the night and made him ski for his dinner.

Andrew, Calisa and Sylvie have spent the past month visiting family in Colorado and Wisconsin. 

And last week, after waking up to another rainy Anchorage Summer 2012 day, Danielle and I bought plane tickets to Hawaii, and two days later we were riding our bikes around Maui and going to the beach.

...and we're not coming home until next week.

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