Wednesday, November 1, 2017


We went out yesterday and ran uphill for about an hour or so with our ski poles.



Von Messerschmitt
I need to interrupt this photo essay to say something about this workout.  It was Halloween, and Andrew somehow got it in his head that it would be appropriate to jump out of the brush at about the halfway point of the workout and scare the crap out of the Hewolves and Shewolves, in honor of the holiday. His first victim was Tracen and I swear that man just about crapped in his lycra.  It was so funny that I figured I'd better switch my camera over from "photo" mode to "video" mode to catch the next episode, because Tracen jumped so high and made so much noise that he even scared me - and I was just a witness.  But the next one to come down the trail was Jenna.

Related image
Fairbanks footwear

Jenna is from Fairbanks. Fairbanksans not afraid of anything. They take everything in stride. Take the cold, for example. It can be -78 degrees in Fairbanks and nobody even says a peep about it being cold. They just put on their leather mukluks, some fur mittens and an old beat-up parka and go about their business like it ain't no thang. Fairbanksans are the Alaskans that Anchorageites wish they were, but can never be.

So anyway, Andrew jumped out of the bushes again when Jenna came down the trail, but this time there was no easy target like Tracen.  Jenna didn't even flinch. She did jump off the trail, but that wasn't because she was startled. It was because she didn't want to collide with the coach. She was carrying ski poles without baskets, after all. Someone could have gotten hurt.

Hailey. And that's probably Hannah behind her.

Lupua and Andrew

Some bird.


On Powerline Pass.

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