Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why Not Ski?

Rollerskiing's fine if there's no snow around to ski on.  Earlier this week, there wasn't any snow nearby, so we rollerskied.  Conditions were superb.

Tuva, Natalie, Michaela and Hannah (in that order)


Austin & Espen

JC and Magnum

By the end of the week, though, we couldn't think of any more excuses not to go skiing, so off we went.  There was nothing wrong with the trail conditions.

Quail in her native habitat

You should probably send this picture to your parents, Tuva. They'd appreciate it.



Trond and Marine. Comparing notes and sharing ideas.

Adam, Espen, Magnus and Tom

Tom and JC

This is the part of the blog post where I should mention the extraordinary work of the Mat-Su Ski Club, Ed and Mark Strabel, Jeff Case, and others who are involved in making these groomed trails available for us to use, and for making the skiing conditions so fantastic.  These are people who have regular "day jobs", but who also stay up late - like 3am late - and volunteer to run a bunch of machinery around in the dark, during snowstorms, so that we all have this truly world-class venue to enjoy this sport and get some exercise.  So thank you to the Mat-Su Ski Club!  I should also mention here that the Mat-Su Ski Club does gladly accept donations to defray the expenses of grooming these trails. 

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