Sunday, April 12, 2020

Doing Time

When you're on CV19 lockdown in the springtime, there's no better place to be stuck than in southcentral Alaska.

It's been good touring conditions on the Anchorage hillside.

And springtime always brings out the best of the Kincaid ski trails.

This is the time of the year when many those places that are difficult to get to for most of the rest of the year become easy to access, because the rivers and lakes are frozen and all that alder, willow, cow parsnip and devils club is buried beneath several feet of snow.

You still have to push your bike occasionally, though.

I went out crust skiing with Seawolf Toby Schwoerer the other morning.  You never know where Toby's going to take you. He told me he packrafted the Grand Canyon earlier this winter. That sounds like insanity to me. Toby said it was awesome. I asked him if he got scared. He said yes.
ps. If you're wondering what a packraft is - it's one of these little things. They're about as big as a duck. Toby packed all his stuff for his 2-week trip in one of these one-man rafts. 
There's good crust skiing here in town.
And there's good fat-biking at this time of year, too. This was yesterday.

Anchorage isn't a bad place to be stuck for CV19.

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