Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Press

Of course you know that you can get all the information you need about the UAA Nordic Ski Team from this UAA Nordic Ski Team blog. You know this because you're a rabid follower of the blog, and you have personally experienced the vast enrichment of your life that this blog provides. You know that the blog provides all the information you need to keep you thoroughly entertained and to help you make informed decisions about the world that surrounds you.

But some people don't know about the UAA Nordic Ski Team blog. Perhaps nobody has told them about blogs, or maybe they lost their computer or their dog ate their mouse.

Recently, a group of people who don't know about the UAA Nordic Ski Team blog wanted to know more about the UAA Nordic Ski Team. Of course, it's natural to want to know more about the team. But, as these people don't have computers, they needed to arrange a special meeting with the team so they could ask questions and find the answers that they desperately needed. These people traveled to the University and set up a bunch of microphones and cameras so they could keep detailed records of the whole meeting. The people asking the questions call themselves "The Press" and the people doing the answering call themselves "Andrew" and "Mackenzie". They called their meeting a "Press Conference".

By the look of things, everyone had a swell time.

They were kind enough to share their press conference on the interwebs with the rest of us, and I strongly urge you to CHECK IT OUT HERE.

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